That's why we think of scent as a trigger for personal memory& leading to the recall of something specific, particular, uniquely our own. 这就是为什么我们把气味当作个人记忆触发器的原因&它能勾起一些具体、特别且个人独有的回忆。
The error report can, however, contain personal information from the memory or file of the process that caused the error. 但是,错误报告可能包含来自出错进程的内存或文件的个人信息。
This course is an investigation to distinguish episodic memory, which is memory of personal events, from semantic memory, which is general knowledge independent of time and place. 情节记忆是个人事件的记忆,语义记忆是独立于时间和地点的常识。这门课是把情节记忆和语义记忆区分开来的研究。
Personal strength: A tenacious memory, especially for real or imagined slights. 个人优点:有着超乎常人的记忆力,尤其对于事实上的和想象的侮辱。
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association 个人计算机存储卡国际协会
The gargantuan peculiarities of his personal life will fade in memory while his songs continue to ring out afresh. 他个人生活方面惊人的怪异之处将逐步淡出人们的记忆,而他的歌曲将继续飘扬在我们的耳边。
Giving me a little personal space can if my memory came amiss. 给我一点个人空间可以吗如果我的记忆没有出错的话。
In the interest of the Chinese girl's choice of advertise saying and personal visualize, And studying the influence to notice and memory by the Chinese or foreign people and language. 为了考察中国女大学生对广告代言形象和广告语的选择倾向,及中西方代言形象和中英文广告语对受众注意水平和记忆效果的影响。
Our memory is a vital part of our personal life, but cultures also have a type of@ memory@. 人的记忆是每个人生命中的重要部分,而文化同样也有一种记忆。
The sorrow of loss, personal and corporate, will always accompany the memory of the events of that day. 失丧所带来的悲伤,不论个人或群体,都势必会与事件当天的回忆牢牢系在一起。
Ordering Information: Manufacturer's two-year warranty. Thermal cyclers include a heated lid and one personal memory card. Order additional personal memory cards separately. 厂家提供两年热循环仪保修,其中包括对加热盖和数据储存卡的维修。
Personal Memory in the Historical Narration 历史叙事中的个人记忆
Phenomenon Analysis of Personal Memory in Western Modern Literature 现代西方文学中个体生命记忆现象分析
Metamemory was defined as a system concerns with personal believes and monitoring about memory, its developmental approach includes acquisition and development of metamemory knowledge, and that of metamemory monitoring. 元记忆是个体所具有的与自己的记忆活动有关的信念及监控系统,其发展研究包括元记忆知识的习得与发展、元记忆监控能力的发展等。
A New Personal Instrument& Hardware Configuration Design of a MultiChannel Digital Memory Oscilloscope 一种新型个人仪器&多通道数字存储示波器的硬件结构设计
Cognitive style is a constant and habitual personal pattern in the process of perception, memory and thinking, and is an individual diversity in the process of information organization as well. 认知风格是人们对信息和经验进行组织和加工时所表现出来的个体差异,是个人在感知、记忆和思维过程中经常采取的、习惯化的态度和风格。
Marvelous Combination of Personal Memory and Grand Narrative: On the Successful Factors of the Narrative Treatment of The Song of Youth in the Specific Times 个人记忆与宏大叙事的巧妙缝合&论《青春之歌》叙事处理之特定时代的成功因素
Personal Experiences and Collective Memory: the Cultural Shock and Historical Irony of School Graduates of One Generation 论变文的产生私人经历与集体记忆:知青一代人的文化震惊和历史反讽
The principle diagram of personal computer and single chip processor share random access memory circuit and a method of program access is given. 本文绘出了PC系列微机与单片机共享RAM电路的原理图和程序访问的方法。
Study discovered, under the condition of high product factor involvement degree and high personal factor involvement degree, the memory result of the advertisement information is better. 研究发现,在产品卷入度和个人因素卷入程度都高的条件下,对广告信息的记忆效果更好。
The Implementation of Personal Computer and Single Chip Processor Share Random Access Memory Circuit PC系列微机与单片机共享RAM电路的实现
It constructs the contemporary literature through literature subject building, personal memory and collective memory of the writing, and space strategy, the strategy of subversion under the dual plight. 眷村小说通过介入台湾文学主体建构、对个人记忆和集体记忆的书写、空间策略、双重困境下的颠覆策略四个方面展开了对当代台湾文学的建构和言说。
Autobiographical memory is a personal memory of life events, and some of the baseline ( figure, location, time, self, emotional, etc) of the summary record. 自传体记忆(autobiographicalmemory)是个人生活事件的记忆,是某些行为基线(人物,地点,时间,自我,情绪等)的摘要式记录。
Concept of self life events in personal development in the inspection, accept life events in the autobiographical memory formation process get fixed. 自我概念在个人发展的生活事件中接受生活事件的检验,在自传体记忆形成过程中得到修正。
By way of psychoanalysis, this thesis is meant to analyze the characters in the play, the causes of their personal traits as well as the device of "memory play" adopted by Williams in the play. 本文旨在从精神分析批评的角度,对剧中人物的性格及其成因和剧中所采用的回忆剧这一特殊方法进行分析。
From personal objective self-concept autobiographical memory formation experienced from specifically vivid visual life events to its contents, emotional abstract thinking, forming a series of finishing to self knowledge results. 自我概念是从个人的客观经历到自传体记忆的形成,从具体生动的直观生活事件到对其内容、情感的抽象思维整理,形成的一系列对自我的认识结果。
Through the methods of documentary analysis, multidisciplinary analysis and field survey, the paper points out the difference of social memory between personal memory and historical memory, analyzes the relationship between social memory and the attractiveness of the tourism market. 本文通过文献分析法、多学科综合分析法,实地调查法,指出社会记忆与个人记忆、历史记忆的区别,分析社会记忆与旅游市场吸引力之间的关系。
Materializing and visualizing these traditional cultural ideology in modern design, will evoke personal and national memory, and thus show and carry forward the national spirit, and improve the common aesthetic. 在现代设计中物质化,形象化这些意识形态化的传统文化,能唤起个人和民族记忆,进而展现并发扬民族精神,提高大众审美。
Autobiographical memory of personal information or personal life events experienced by the memory of mankind because of its self-awareness with emotional and personal significance of the close relationship between the complex and thus much of the popular psychologist, psychological research as a memory new areas. 自传体记忆是对个人信息或个人所经历的生活事件的回忆,由于它在人类认知中与自我、情绪、个人意义关系复杂而密切,因而倍受心理学家的青睐,成为记忆心理学研究的新领域。
Take Jewelry as point, it is not only the personal enrichment of memory, but also a description of experience and age. 首饰这样的一个点,浓缩的不仅仅是个人的记忆,而且还有着一个时代的经历和叙述。